Wednesday, December 16, 2009

September, 2008: "But Agro Gourmet, LLC is just a Specialty Produce Shipper! How am i going to pull this off?!!!!"

September 9, 2008 our initial application is ALREADY approved! Things are taking off even more. TSA is not wasting time! So I begin to think: "Man how am I going to do this? Ok, it can't be THAT hard. I survived 10 years on a east coast, wholesale produce market for god sakes! Built my own company from scratch! If I survived (barely) those vultures, I can do this! Where did I put that damn 80 page Order?" In that behemoth I reckoned had to be the answers......... hmm not really.

I spent days reading and re-reading the Order, trying to formulate some sort of plan in my mind at least. I would put it down and re-read it again. This went on for two more months! As well, my poor TSA representative I am sure was already tired of me. (Remember at this point, we still were not approved for anything other then the initial application and on August 27, 2008 we did have our initial facility inspection where we were provided with a basic check list of what we needed to do. Regardless, I wanted to get a head start on this whole program. I had very detailed and horrific visions of: come August 2010, all of my very perishable air freight sitting at the airline cargo facilities for days on end, waiting to be screened by of all people, airline employees!! God no!! These are some of the laziest people known to man, unionized or not! No way was that going to happen if I could prevent it!! Customers are not very forgiving in the perishables industry, and I've got my whole business riding on this literally. And if my product does not ship on time, or arrive in perfect condition, I am toast! No matter what happens in between the order being placed, and it landing at it's destination, if there is a problem, it is the shippers fault.. always.)

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